Sunday, 25 September 2016

It's been a busy term

We had the annual staff versus the children netball game.

A big thank you to Constable Andie who helped the staff.

Monday, 6 June 2016


Inside on a rainy day with Room 3
If you are at Russell School on a Tuesday you will see us working on our football skills.

Outside on a better day 

Way to go Room 9
We do it rain or shine and it is FANTASTIC!

We love working with our coaches!

Way to go Capital Football!

Thursday, 28 April 2016



Russell School Under 9 T-Ball Division Winners 2016 ....

Well done to all involved in the team including players, coaches and the wonderful parents and family supporters !
We are proud of you and the TEAMWORK you demonstrated.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Farewell Miss Forster

Miss Forster at her farewell with the surfboard card we made her
Last term we had to say farewell to Miss Forster who headed to Gisborne and a new teaching position.
Miss Forster and Matua Rob at an assembly
Our song for Miss Forster 
Miss Forster has been an important part of Sport at Russell School and will be missed by all, especially the sports fans and those she has taught
Miss Forster on one of the many occasions she awarded prizes 

Miss Forster encouraging us 
Miss Forster dressing up for our Fun Run Day

Monday, 14 March 2016

Thanks P.C.U Russell

We have had a wonderful 2015/16 season. Sorry I won't see your last game. But I know you will do your best and show H.E.A.R.T!
But thank you for my 'Player of the Day' award.
It has been a privilege to be a part of the PCU Russell whanau over the last eight years.  
From Miss Forster